2023-03-12  阅读(96)
原文作者:w3cschool 原文地址:https://www.w3cschool.cn/intellij_idea_tutorial/intellij_idea_tutorial-58u93gzv.html


  • ${PACKAGE_NAME} - the name of the target package where the new class or interface will be created.
  • ${PROJECT_NAME}- the name of the current project.
  • ${FILE_NAME}- the name of the PHP file that will be created.
  • ${NAME} - the name of the new file which you specify in the New File dialog box during the file creation.
  • ${USER}- the login name of the current user.
  • ${DATE}- the current system date.
  • ${TIME}- the current system time.
  • ${YEAR}- the current year.
  • ${MONTH} - the current month.
  • ${DAY} - the current day of the month.
  • ${HOUR}- the current hour.
  • ${MINUTE} - the current minute.
  • ${PRODUCT_NAME}- the name of the IDE in which the file will be created.
  • ${MONTH_NAME_SHORT} - the first 3 letters of the month name. Example: Jan, Feb, etc.
  • ${MONTH_NAME_FULL} - full name of a month. Example: January, February, etc.

PHP 的文件类型预设的变量比上面的还多一点,具体可以查阅官网:

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