2023-09-12  阅读(82)
原文作者:一直不懂 原文地址: https://blog.csdn.net/shenchaohao12321/article/details/80282833


ResolvableType封装了Java的Type,提供了getSuperType()方法访问父类型,getInterfaces()反回实现的接口,getGeneric()获取泛型参数,resolve()转化为Class对象。那么什么事Java的Type呢,可以看出Type有四个子接口,一个子类。每种类型代表啥意思可以参考这篇文章《Java Type详解》。下面看看ResolvableType具体实现。



  • forField(Field):获取指定字段的类型
  • forMethodParameter(Method, int):获取指定方法的指定形参的类型
  • forMethodReturnType(Method):获取指定方法的返回值的类型
  • forClass(Class):直接封装指定的类型


    static ResolvableType forType(
    		@Nullable Type type, @Nullable TypeProvider typeProvider, @Nullable VariableResolver variableResolver);


    public static ResolvableType forField(Field field) {
       Assert.notNull(field, "Field must not be null");
       return forType(null, new FieldTypeProvider(field), null);


    interface TypeProvider extends Serializable {
       Type getType();
       default Object getSource() {
          return null;
    static class FieldTypeProvider implements TypeProvider {
       private final String fieldName;
       private final Class<?> declaringClass;
       private transient Field field;
       public FieldTypeProvider(Field field) {
          this.fieldName = field.getName();
          this.declaringClass = field.getDeclaringClass();
          this.field = field;
       public Type getType() {
          return this.field.getGenericType();
       public Object getSource() {
          return this.field;
       private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
          try {
             this.field = this.declaringClass.getDeclaredField(this.fieldName);
          catch (Throwable ex) {
             throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find original class structure", ex);


    static ResolvableType forType(
          @Nullable Type type, @Nullable TypeProvider typeProvider, @Nullable VariableResolver variableResolver) {
       if (type == null && typeProvider != null) {
          type = SerializableTypeWrapper.forTypeProvider(typeProvider);
       if (type == null) {
          return NONE;
       // For simple Class references, build the wrapper right away -
       // no expensive resolution necessary, so not worth caching...
       if (type instanceof Class) {
          return new ResolvableType(type, typeProvider, variableResolver, (ResolvableType) null);
       // Purge empty entries on access since we don't have a clean-up thread or the like.
       // Check the cache - we may have a ResolvableType which has been resolved before...
       ResolvableType resultType = new ResolvableType(type, typeProvider, variableResolver);
       ResolvableType cachedType = cache.get(resultType);
       if (cachedType == null) {
          cachedType = new ResolvableType(type, typeProvider, variableResolver, resultType.hash);
          cache.put(cachedType, cachedType);
       resultType.resolved = cachedType.resolved;
       return resultType;


    static Type forTypeProvider(final TypeProvider provider) {
       Assert.notNull(provider, "Provider must not be null");
       Type providedType = provider.getType();
       if (providedType == null) {
          return null;
       if (providedType instanceof Serializable) {
          return providedType;
       Type cached = cache.get(providedType);
       if (cached != null) {
          return cached;
       for (Class<?> type : SUPPORTED_SERIALIZABLE_TYPES) {
          if (type.isAssignableFrom(providedType.getClass())) {
             ClassLoader classLoader = provider.getClass().getClassLoader();
             Class<?>[] interfaces = new Class<?>[] {type, SerializableTypeProxy.class, Serializable.class};
             InvocationHandler handler = new TypeProxyInvocationHandler(provider);
             cached = (Type) Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, interfaces, handler);
             cache.put(providedType, cached);
             return cached;
       throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported Type class: " + providedType.getClass().getName());


    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, @Nullable Object[] args) throws Throwable {
       if (method.getName().equals("equals") && args != null) {
          Object other = args[0];
          // Unwrap proxies for speed
          if (other instanceof Type) {
             other = unwrap((Type) other);
          return ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.provider.getType(), other);
       else if (method.getName().equals("hashCode")) {
          return ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.provider.getType());
       else if (method.getName().equals("getTypeProvider")) {
          return this.provider;
       if (Type.class == method.getReturnType() && args == null) {
          return forTypeProvider(new MethodInvokeTypeProvider(this.provider, method, -1));
       else if (Type[].class == method.getReturnType() && args == null) {
          Type[] result = new Type[((Type[]) method.invoke(this.provider.getType())).length];
          for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
             result[i] = forTypeProvider(new MethodInvokeTypeProvider(this.provider, method, i));
          return result;
       try {
          return method.invoke(this.provider.getType(), args);
       catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
          throw ex.getTargetException();


    public Type getType() {
       return SerializableTypeWrapper.unwrap(this.type);
    public static <T extends Type> T unwrap(T type) {
       Type unwrapped = type;
       while (unwrapped instanceof SerializableTypeProxy) {
          unwrapped = ((SerializableTypeProxy) type).getTypeProvider().getType();
       return (unwrapped != null ? (T) unwrapped : type);

获取type先通过构造函数实例化一个resultType,这个resultType的resolved暂时是null。间接的通过使用相同的Type和TypeProvider作为参数使用另一构造函数实例化一个临时的对象,因为这个构造函数可以生成resolved,再将resolved赋值给 resultType。那为啥不直接使用后者实例化对象呢,因为后者需要一个hashcode,而前者可以生成hashcode。


    private int calculateHashCode() {
       int hashCode = ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.type);
       if (this.typeProvider != null) {
          hashCode = 31 * hashCode + ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.typeProvider.getType());
       if (this.variableResolver != null) {
          hashCode = 31 * hashCode + ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.variableResolver.getSource());
       if (this.componentType != null) {
          hashCode = 31 * hashCode + ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.componentType);
       return hashCode;


    private Class<?> resolveClass() {
       if (this.type == EmptyType.INSTANCE) {
          return null;
       if (this.type instanceof Class) {
          return (Class<?>) this.type;
       if (this.type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
          Class<?> resolvedComponent = getComponentType().resolve();
          return (resolvedComponent != null ? Array.newInstance(resolvedComponent, 0).getClass() : null);
       return resolveType().resolve();
    ResolvableType resolveType() {
       if (this.type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
          return forType(((ParameterizedType) this.type).getRawType(), this.variableResolver);
       if (this.type instanceof WildcardType) {
          Type resolved = resolveBounds(((WildcardType) this.type).getUpperBounds());
          if (resolved == null) {
             resolved = resolveBounds(((WildcardType) this.type).getLowerBounds());
          return forType(resolved, this.variableResolver);
       if (this.type instanceof TypeVariable) {
          TypeVariable<?> variable = (TypeVariable<?>) this.type;
          // Try default variable resolution
          if (this.variableResolver != null) {
             ResolvableType resolved = this.variableResolver.resolveVariable(variable);
             if (resolved != null) {
                return resolved;
          // Fallback to bounds
          return forType(resolveBounds(variable.getBounds()), this.variableResolver);
       return NONE;

resolveClass()方法的目的就是将type转换成相关的Class对象,因为只有满足type instanceof Class才返回,否则继续调用forType()递归上面的代码。


    public ResolvableType as(Class<?> type) {
       if (this == NONE) {
          return NONE;
       if (ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(resolve(), type)) {
          return this;
       for (ResolvableType interfaceType : getInterfaces()) {
          ResolvableType interfaceAsType = interfaceType.as(type);
          if (interfaceAsType != NONE) {
             return interfaceAsType;
       return getSuperType().as(type);


    public ResolvableType getSuperType() {
       Class<?> resolved = resolve();
       if (resolved == null || resolved.getGenericSuperclass() == null) {
          return NONE;
       ResolvableType superType = this.superType;
       if (superType == null) {
          superType = forType(SerializableTypeWrapper.forGenericSuperclass(resolved), asVariableResolver());
          this.superType = superType;
       return superType;

SerializableTypeWrapper.forGenericSuperclass(resolved)方法返回当前Class对象父类的可序列化的Type对象,asVariableResolver返回一个DefaultVariableResolver对象,它的resolveVariable()方法用于将TypeVariable转化成 ResolvableType对象,这个类会在isAssignableFrom()方法用到。

    private class DefaultVariableResolver implements VariableResolver {
       public ResolvableType resolveVariable(TypeVariable<?> variable) {
          return ResolvableType.this.resolveVariable(variable);
       public Object getSource() {
          return ResolvableType.this;

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